
Today, well, kicked a lot of ass, dude. I might as well get straight away to the point and just say that the date went really good! Your friendly Goat is quite stoked, reader, that her and I hit it off so well. I was way nervous beforehand, understandably, but i think i handled myself pretty well. She did, too - as far as i could tell this was old hat to her, but she came out and admitted afterwards that she was hella nervous, too, pretty much for the whole day.

She wasn't the only one.

We never did even make it to getting coffee... we just camped out at our table and chatted away, from everything about living on your own to what we're currently doing in life to bicycling to all sorts of other stuff. I'm pretty sure that if nothing else I could end up with a pretty cool friend out of this.

On that note I bid you farewell, reader. I'm going to go do a little work here before I call it a night, and perhaps read a little Lord of the Rings, too. Have a good one.

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