
I returneth.

Remember how i mentioned i wasn't feeling all that sociable? Damn... understatement of the day. It was seriously like pulling teeth to put on the Happy Face and be all friendly and, well, chipper around the toaster and her family, which tonight was the whole nine yards, man; mom and stepdad and sister and her b/f and the little ones. So, ah, yeah. It was cool going out and socializing and seeing friends, but those who know me well and are down with the happenings of the last quarter of '03 would most certainly understand the extreme level of awkwardness... given this is the first time i've been over to hang with the family since, ah, probably sometime in October.

Driving back, though, i had one of my little spiritual moments. Now, this isn't where i've like aligned the rocks with the moon to help channel all this energy into me, nor stopped off on the side of the road and made a small offering to the monkey god of Zambizi or some shit... it was just one of those little moments in life where one is humbled by pure existence. On the way back, i was just cruising down broadway, heading eastbound so's i could hang a left onto 16th and truck back to my place, when i noticed a star in the east. I suppose it could have been Venus, but that's a bit late in the night to see it, not? Anyways, it was the only star i'd noticed this whole night, and for some reason seeing it just made the whole world stop. Caught in that moment of rapture, it was just me, the star, and the cold, empty, ultimately indifferent world.

It was at that moment that i knew, no matter what, everything's going to be alright.

Sleep well, reader.

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