

Had a pretty good day, all told. Well, happy hour was a little weird, but still better than most. Other than the inherent awkwardness of that, however, I kept busy at work - which made the day zip past - and spent a fun night kicking it with Brianne, the lobster, and her sister. Pretty low-key stuff (as is usually the case with me, alas) ... yet still awesome.

It sucks that after this week i won't see most of my crew for what sounds like quite awhile. Thankfully Brianne, Adam, Cody and Jen, Katie, and Locken are still here, but it's hard too since I don't get to see too much of them. With school starting again next week most of my peeps will be kept busy out in the flat lands of the "valley" (like, ohmigod), and the Vehicle of Destruction, is, well, self-destructing, so who knows when i'll see folks like the lobster, funkmaster pink, july lucille, steve/spanky/stewart, the princess, and the rest. Time does go by fast, though, so i'm sure i'll see them again before i know it.

That's about it for now, i guess. I'm ungodly tired and can't seem to think straight (hence also write) to save my life. Perhaps drinking damn near a whole pot of Christmas Blend tonight wasn't the best idea; not only am i under the influence of a shitload of caffeine, putting me in this odd zombielike state, my stomach hurts to beat all hell. Alas, my own damned fault. If you, intrepid reader, are still awake at this hour, dream sweetly tonight - and sleep in tomorrow! We could all use it.

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