
I guess tonight is crazyass poem-writin' Monday.  I reckon i rather like this'un, and I hope ya'll do, too.

Being creative kicks ass.  Many thanks to Zan and Kris for somehow helping me to realize what i've been missing out on for so long.  You guys simply kick ass.  :)

Peace, reader, and have a night filled with pleasant dreams.




it’s coming –
soon, but not now –
yet we feel it – you and I, the birds, trees, and even those fierce clouds
that scurry over us at night and recklessly explode
they tell me I’m alive
and we feel the imminent winter

night falls and its compelling story beckons softly
folds me into its last secret summer pages
and I walk the late hours,
still leaves above me forming a natural mesh
between the open night and my love, the stars
that dance between my eyes and the canopy blanket
as it moves, shifts, dances to a sad tune
remembered long ago
my head next to hers
the scent of her hair playful, subtle
endless fragrance of the world
wrapped up tight, tucked in, underneath the blanket
that holds me tonight
between those heavy pages of existence

but tales pause, sometimes even end, and I know
I must revisit my different story
the life of hidden stars and the music of steel
an epic of little green, black streets, and few dreams,
all simple vanilla nothingness
printed on rice-paper pages
so easily torn

but I’ll pause for a bit
because there’s no need to go home
when tonight will last forever

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