
After reading those song lyrics, So Many Roads, that's really all i want, man - the road that takes me home.  The road that takes me to my core, to the center of who i am and what i will be, what i can become.  The road that takes me to the one I love, the true girl that loves me - the road to the girl that I can learn from and live life with and that will be my inspiration to be something better, to be someone greater than myself, yet still myself, a basic extension, or extrapolation of what i can be.
I want to find a road to the future.  A road that leads me back home, to the home I always knew existed, and do know exists - the home within my self, my spirit, my special place.  My cave, if you will (for those Fight Club junkies) - and there i shall find my power animal.  That animal isn't a penguin, but a Goat, myself, really - yet still a penguin.  A pineapple-loving penguin who has fur and bleats and loves Killian's Irish Red and loves spending time with friends and has a soft spot for nice, fun girls ... that also feeds off the engery of an array of exciting things like concerts and long-distance-yet-somehow-oddly-transcendant connections.
I want to find that road home.  How can I?  How can I be courageous enough to tune into what I know is myself?  How can I leap from the diving board into the absolute unknown, and take an ultimate risk, all the while knowing what the outcome will be - pure success.  How can I make that choice?  The choice to drive towards happiness, to take exit 1-A, the exit that will indeed lead me to love, contentment, understanding - fuckin' learning and growth, man - when I don't know what the road entails?  Or how to even find exit 1-A, for Christ's sake.  I don't know where it is, and i know there's no map to guide me.
I must really become my own cartographer, a peice of paper upon which I can chart my course.  But it's so awfully hard picking up the pen.  It becomes even harder knowing exactly what to draw, what exact course you must illustrate.
All i ask for is the courage to find my road home.
Sleep well tonight, and dream of that special person you love, the person who's captivated your heart - the person you see at night, the one you connect with in the night, subconsciously, reaching out, seeking that road... the one that leads home.

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