
Tonight should be interesting... one of those nights where you have plans, but they fall through, so you end up having all this time on your hands, with absolutely no idea of what to do with it. I'm sorta pooped from the whole LOTR expedition, too, so I don't feel like lifting and working on increasing my insane buffness. Likely, I'll just stay in front of the box for awhile here or read or something.

Of course I could stop being a tool and give some people a call, but I'm in one of those moods where that's kinda hard to do for some reason. Been this way for the past few weeks. Perhaps its the weather or something... or the weirdness of Christmas-but-not-Christmas-cause-I'm-not-a-kid-anymore-but-a-real-life-software-engineer. I have no decorations around here, it's depressing. But maybe I don't have any because it would feel so depressing having them, all the while knowing the only reason they're up is for me, that I don't have anyone to share the moment with (at my place that is).


But on a far lighter and brighter note, dude, LOTR fucking hauled so much ass! I'm seriously at a loss for words on this one; you just have to go see it. Being a complete and utter confirmed junkie of this about a minute into the last film (if i wasn't made one from just seeing the damned trailer in 1999, at least!), there was only one way i could think, during the last half hour of the film, to describe it: it was like i came ... for thirty minutes straight. Just absolute insanity. Just the battle sequences on their own will own you.

There's some tentative plans in the works to go check it out again tomorrow night. I can't wait! Until then, have a content evening, reader, and drop me a line or give me a buzz if you're bored. That would kick ass.


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