
Ah, another Monday... :)

Today was just like most other Mondays - nothing too special. I did somehow make it to work at 7:20am today, however, so that was a bit exceptional. Most mondays i don't make it in till 8 or sometime after that, cause i'm so shot from the weekend. Alas, i didn't get a whole lot of sleep this weekend either, like the usual, so i dunno how the hell i got my ass out of bed this morning.

Somehow i did, though, and made it to work, and got some shit done. Not lots, though. I'm at a bit of a point where i could pick from probably eigth different things to do, and i need to talk to my project manager a little more and see what i should tackle next. Conveniently, he was out today, so i just busied myself with a few other little things. All in all a pretty relaxing day.

Had lunch at Camly's with my uncles and cousin, too, so that was pretty badass. I guess they have a lunch buffet there, which i wasn't aware of. Such tasty delights as curry chicken w/ coconut milk, garlic green beans, egg rolls (that are to die for, btw), these little vegetarian fried dumpling things... damn dude, good shit. And after work i scored some leftover chicken noodle soup from my grandma, so i'd have to say all in all, besides being relaxing, today has also scored pretty high as far as chow is concerned.

Now i get to settle in for a night of corporate reading. Joy! I've an article to hit concerning the complex nature of software systems - and how, if we don't rethink some shit, we're fucked even more as time progresses - and a book on some management styles or something. I have to read a good 45 pages before the 17th, when I have a group meeting to discuss it. Double joy. But it looks like it shouldn't be too bad; a quick read and a welcome refresher to reading constantly about stuff like ADO.NET and ArcSDE.

Have a stellar evening, folks, and keep warm and toasty.

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