
Song o' the day: Incubus - Wish You Were Here

Well, this evening turned out to be pretty relaxing. It would have been nonetheless had Katie and I gone on a walk as planned, but the weather is a bit shitty out thar... so we just decided to stay in. Hence this post (what else is there to do around here?).

Bismarck probably got something like three inches of snow so far, or two, or some shit. Either way, the roads are pretty crappy, so i had a little adventure after work tonight trekking around and getting food from my grandma, my aunt, and the old man. But i fucking scored big, too, getting some homemade bean soup, some chicken, a bit of pork loin, some meat loaf, a good lot of german streudels (mmm) and some frozen chicken patties, which should be ever so tasty with some onion bagels i have. thankfully I'll be around here for a few weeks, meaning i can actually eat the food i keep in the fridge. Half the time i get too much and it spoils cause I only eat one meal a day here. Breakfast at work, lunch at Subway or BK or the Bell, then dinner here. Alas.

I think i'll cut this one short here since i'm not feeling terribly introspective. Until next time...

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