

originally composed on 11/28/05

o! how the sensory pleasures
can appeal to such a starving boy as
I, assailed by brilliant flavors,
smells, and visual pleasantries like an
evening bath with Leary –
the invasion force mint of my gum is
slamming the beachfront as
beautiful teenage girls fire shots like snipers
from their breasts heavy and tight
in their sweaters
and Wolf Blitzer on the television above
wraps his arms beneath my coat around my waist
and whispers soft assurances
in my ear
that this world, soft and warm as I see it
is nothing but the latest prime-time
attraction to get our hearts pumping
before we‘re in our beds a-thumping
and we can go to sleep safe and sound, he says,
rested silent and ready for the ‘morrow.

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